Our Tectorian of the Week is: Net² Victoria!
Net² Victoria helps nonprofits use technology to run their organizations and tell their stories. The group puts on seminars on a monthly basis with the venue space sponsored by Fort Tectoria.
Some of their most recent topics included “Social Media Surgery: Hands on advice & help” and “Collaborate Effectively and Develop Your Work Flow”.
Their events are becoming more and more popular as the content, speakers and format are spot on.
The next event is this Monday, January 11th at Fort Tectoria from 5:30pm to 7:30pm and the topic is “Resolving the Design & Content Challenge: Automated and Curated Newsletters”
Suggested donation is $5 and you can RSVP here. We hope to see you there!
5:30-6:00: Doors open, schmoozing, coffee, and snacks
6:00-6:05: NetSquared welcome and program updates
6:05-7:00: Presentation by Jonathan Stoppi and Q&A
7:00-7:05: Net2Vic Needs Parade
7:05-7:30: Mingling, talking about next steps
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