Our Tectorian of the Week for April 25 is Warren Brown, chairman of Procura.
Why Warren, and why now?
Warren Brown and the team at Procura together represent all of the potential of Victoria’s tech community, and show where we’ve been and where we’re going.
Founded in Victoria twenty years ago (that’s basically before email and internet were a thing, and before there was much in the way of a tech industry here), Procura now provides software to 12,600 users and 600 agencies throughout Canada, the US and Australia.
This company (conveniently headquartered near the future home of Fort Tectoria) also has offices in Chicago, Florida, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Like the majority of Victoria’s tech companies, Procura sells internationally, meaning the company often gets little recognition here in its own backyard.
So Warren knows a thing or two about launching a successful startup and building a sustainable business.
He’s been through just about every trial and tribulation a technology company can experience – Warren has not only survived but has thrived.
And here’s the real reason why Warren Brown is the Tectorian of the Week: he gives back to the community by providing his knowledge and hard-earned insights to help his peers build their own tech businesses, right here in Victoria.
And let’s not forget that Procura sponsors the excellent live band that makes the annual VIATeC Technology Awards such a fun time.
So Warren Brown and the team at Procura are part of Tectoria’s DNA. They’re part of our success, past and future.
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