Announced earlier this month, AML Oceanographic Ltd. (AML) has been selected to supply CTDs (Instruments used to determine the conductivity, temperature, and depth of the ocean), for Ocean Networks Canada’s Smart Oceans™ program. We thought this would be the perfect time to name AML as our Tectorian of the Week!
AML impressed everyone at last year’s VIATEC Technology Awards when they won the Innovative Excellence Award for their UV•Xchange product. It’s an environmentally friendly device that keeps things from growing on sensors in the ocean with the use of ultraviolet (UV) light. Well, we don’t think there’s a UV light around that can stop THEM from continuing to grow.
AML is a vendor of choice for sound velocity measurement for a wide range of marine survey organizations and manufacturers of multi-beam, single-beam, ntrusion detection, and USBL/LBL positioning systems. They are a Canadian manufacturer that does 95% of their business globally and overseas, and they’re right here in Victoria.
Ocean Networks Canada’s Smart Ocean Systems™ are Advanced Ocean Sensor and Instrument Technologies that capture data such as temperature, current, CO2 levels, seismometer readings, and acoustic and video recordings.
AML will assist the Smart Oceans™ program by deploying Metrec•X instruments on cabled observatory platforms off Canadian coasts to provide data imperative to improving environmental monitoring and marine safety. AML’s award-winning UV•Xchange and Cabled UV will prevent biofouling of Xchange™ and other environmental sensors on each CTD, in addition to other critical surfaces of the platform. The prevention of fouling-induced drift will allow the sensors to provide accurate data for the duration of the in-situ deployments.
This is great news and we’re excited to see where AML Oceanographic goes from here.
Ocean Networks Canada also happens to be on the shortlist for the Ocean Innovation Award for their Community Fishers mobile app! (You can vote for them right here, #11).
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