Searching for ways to have your story heard throughout the Tectoria community and beyond?
Having trouble making a dent on Twitter, Facebook, and other channels?
Your friends at VIATeC are here to help. We want to scream your story from the top of Mt. Finlayson, but we can’t do that until we hear the story ourselves.
So, how do you go about making this happen?
Help us Help You
Between this tectoria.wordpress blog, our This Week in Tectoria Newsletter, the VIATeC E-Bulletin, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Flickr, we have thousands upon thousands of people to tell your story to. That doesn’t even include all of our offline channels.
So Send us your Stories Already
Keep in mind, however, that what may be a story to you, could sound like a sales pitch to someone else; and the quickest way to lose an audience is to continuously scream sales pitches at them.
So How do you Know if you Have a Story or Not?
We’re going to keep this very simple. Especially at first, just err on the side of sending us too much stuff. We’ll wade through everything each week and determine what we feel will work the best.
Lets be clear about something though, by writing this post the way I have, I’m setting myself up for a great deal more work, haha. Now that’s fine, and could actually be quite wonderful, as long as it serves a purpose.
While we’re here to ensure that all your great Tectoria stories are given the audience they deserve, behaving like the startup who cried wolf by repeatedly sending us SELL SELL SELL material, is a sure fire way to get your stories to the bottom of the pile.
A Few Key Points to Remember
- Starting this very second, send any stories / ideas to me, Steve Hof, at
- For blog posts, the stories need to be especially compelling, or motivated by a clear intention to help the Tectoria cause.
- If you’re on Twitter, mention @VIATeC in a post and include the hashtag #I_AM_TECTORIAN
- If you’re on Facebook, post to the VIATeC wall so we know you’re there.
- Don’t want to do either of those things? Fine, be difficult. At the very least, however, send me an email listing the channels you’re on and the best ways we can support you.
- There’s no ‘h’ in Tectoria. It’s the little things people.
Is there something I’ve missed? Do you have a mind blowing, or even slightly above average idea for helping us help you?
Post your ideas, questions, and concerns to the comments below. Lets hash it out.
Okay Tectorians, the ball’s in your court.
I mean, even Rod Tidwell figured it out eventually.
by Steve ‘Soon to be Very Busy‘ Hof
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