Our Tectorians of the Week are: Arpix Media, Avocette, AXYS Technologies, Carmanah Technologies, FTS, Isolation Network, Planet Clean, Red Brick Media, Revenue Wire, Smart Dolphins IT Solutions, Simply Rooted Media, Schneider Electric, StarFish Medical, UNIT4, Vigil Health Solutions and xMatters!
Why? Because they’re all stepping up and raising cash and food donations for the Mustard Seed Food Bank through the VIATEC Food Bank Challenge!
Week 1 of 4 is just wrapping up today and although VIATEC won’t be posting results until Monday, we can tell it’s been a very active week. The announcement that Dan Gunn, CEO of VIATEC, will get a tattoo of the VIATEC logo if $100,000 is raised, may have upped the ante a bit! It even caused Dallas Gislason of the GVDA to raise the stakes by offering to do the same if $110,000 is raised! Arpix Media also submitted $500 on the very first day!
Week 1 was also the launch of the newly introduced weekly photo contest. Participants receive the chance at winning an addition 250 points if their pic is the best of the bunch. It also gives participants a chance to see what their competition is up to…
- AXYS Technologies
- StarFish Medical announces Chili Cook-off to raise $ on Nov 27th
- Revenue Wire
- Planet Clean
- Smart Dolphins
- Carmanah Technologies
Red Brick Media went with a video instead of a picture in order to capture the action of their team doing push ups!
- Want to join the challenge? (It’s not too late)… email kwalker@viatec.ca
- Want to give a personal donation? Click here and make sure you select “VIATEC Food Bank Challenge” as your reason for giving on the second page
- Want to donate to one of the participants to help them win? See the company list above or below!
- Want to just witness all the fun? Search for #VIATECFoodBankChallenge on social media!
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