If you are really into particle physics, then the University of Victoria physicist Michel Lefebvre is giving a talk about the quest to discover the Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider, which lies buried beneath the French/Swiss border near Geneva.
The talk takes place at UVic’s David Lam Auditorium in the MacLaurin Building on 9 April at 7pm. It’s free.
According to the UVic website….
Prof. Lefebvre’s research focuses on hadron collider physics. Following activities in the UA2 experiment at CERN’s proton-antiproton collider, he acted as founding spokesperson of the ATLAS Canada Collaboration in 1992. The ATLAS detector is currently studying proton-proton collisions at the energy frontier, at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN; The discovery of a new particle has been announced on July 4th 2012.
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