Don’t miss out! VIATeC’s AGM and board elections are coming up on September 18; the deadline for nominations for board elections is September 5.
Ho Kim, President and CEO of CAMACC Systems and VIATeC board chair explains why participating on the VIATeC board of directors is a great way to give back to your community.
Photo courtesy Adrian Lam, Times Colonist
Ho Kim: I run a successful technology company, which means I’m a lot like you.
Okay, I’m probably taller and more Asian than you, but my point is that if you’re involved in the management of a complicated, demanding technology business, you and I have a lot in common.
We’re busy.
Seriously, relentlessly, balls-to-the-wall busy.
One of the things our shared experience tells me about you is that you’re not really looking for more things to add to your days or evenings.
You Only Get Out of Your Community What You Put Into It
That was me, three years ago, before I was nominated for a seat on the VIATeC board. My company had been a member of VIATeC for years. A quiet member, a not-really-interested-in-more-on-our-plate kind of member.
In truth, I was never satisfied with that kind of membership in the local technology community.
I’ve always played team sports, so I know – I know deep in my bones (the ones that ache today because I’ve always played team sports) – that you only get out what you put in.
Like all busy people, I needed a push to participate, an obligation to do what I knew to be right for me and my company and the community.
So I put on my game face, and made the conscious – and a little bit scary – decision to run for a seat on the VIATeC board. It was a great decision.
Connect With Your Community on the VIATeC Board
Being on the board, and sitting as board chair for the past year, has been a great obligation, in that it has obligated me to participate in a surprisingly wide range of VIATeC activities – participation that has helped me and my staff develop, connect, and serve the wider community.
We’re now plugged into sector roundtables, where leaders share experience and learn from each other; social and networking events; promotional events like the technology awards; community service activities like the FoodBank Challenge…
My company and I have benefitted greatly from all of them.
Nominate yourself, or somebody else, for a position on the VIATeC board
I know that you and your company will benefit in the same way, even though you’re busy. Maybe because of it. Let me encourage you to think of yourself, or somebody you know, in terms of the same obligation to participate in VIATeC.
Nominate yourself, or somebody else, for a position on the VIATeC board.
Do it today!
Ho Kim
President and CEO, CAMACC Systems
VIATeC Board Chair
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